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Selena Zeidan

5 ideas for stories when you’re stuck…

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

Below are 5 ideas for inspiration that you can use to write a short story! Enjoy – Selena Zeidan

#1- Everyone is born with a tattoo that matches their soulmate. If you find a person with the same tattoo, you have found your soulmate.

#2- Born a twin; graduated an only child.

#3- You are a sleepwalking murderer during the night and during the day, you are a detective unknowingly hurting yourself.

#4- When you die, you don’t go to heaven or hell, you find yourself in a universe with a ten-year-old girl who invites her to her puppies fourth birthday party. You soon realise that you are her imaginary friend.

#5- You love thrifting, so you go to your favourite thrift shop. In the back shelf, you notice a book there that you haven’t seen before. You take it out of the shelf and read the title ‘Things I Did Wrong In My Life’, your eyes gaze down towards the author. You're shocked because the author is you.

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