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  • Sarah Amanda Gabriel

Black Lives Matter Poetry

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

Written by Sarah Amanda Gabriel

When I wake up (or I open my eyes and..)

I see light

I go out and see beauty and freedom

But it is not my freedom / but it’s not me that’s free

When they see me they see danger

They see and immediately put me in a box

A box that I have not created nor accepted

My names in there like a permanent stain

My identity is stripped

My life already seen and told

By the many that don’t understand

They aren’t me

They don’t know me yet they seem to

I am different

We are different but yet you all think the same

We are peace and kindness

But all you see is war and hatred

Oppression and crime

We are simply killed by the colour of our skin

We are born to fight or flight

We fight we die we flight we die

When I look into the future

I see my life

But then have to remember who I am

How I was born

And the world we live in

Remember that tomorrow isn’t determined

Remember that your a danger to your own generation and society

In this world that promotes equality and individuality

Only see what they want to see

I’m admired and praised upon

You want to be me, see me, live me

But when life starts you back away

Like it’s too much for you

You never had ‘the talk’

The talk of being black in a white society

Being black in a society

Being born from a history of oppression and exploitation

We have gone through genocides, wars, white supremacy, unequal rights and freedom

Our land stolen from us

Our lifestyles deleted and erased

Taught to learn the white way

The right way

when all you promote is stealing and unorganic thinking

You don’t have you own identity

So many people experience the similar things

Countries with similar history, some don’t

But only one is in the eye

The eye of the crowd

The eye of the world

And the eye of the future

We are not innocent we are not angels

But we are not demons

We are not monsters

We are not the people that steal and take whatever we like and are never accountable

We have morals and ethics

They have a corrupt system and privilege

When you say all lives matter

Your thinking of a world that doesn’t exist

A world that will never exist

I didn’t sign up to be profiled the day

I was born or the moment of conception

We do not have a choice

We are taught ways to not be killed and arrested

Not the way to live a happy and fulfilling life

We aren’t accepted into society as much as you think

We still are feared by our future in-laws and co-workers and employers

We are watched by everyone when in public

They say it isn’t about race

But everything has everything to do with race

Whether you like it or not

We fight and fight but are only let down by the people who swore to protect and serve us

We are let down by the people who taught us and told us they had faith in us

We are let down by the image that was created by the people who tried to get rid of us

You build us up to tear us down




And my soul is slowly turning black

We retaliate and you beat us

We retaliate and you kill us

We tell you our problems and you want to use it against us

You want culture but can’t find you own

You want the our slurs because it’s cool

You want the word but you can’t have it

You won’t have it and that’s a promise

We finally have a platform a stage to voice and be listened to

But are filtered out and shadowed


It’s your fault not mine

We were denied and turned away

You saw us as dirty and unnatural

To the human race

A mistake

The mistake was letting you have the power

The power to control me

The power to take over

I will not have you tell me what I can and cannot do

You will not have that power over me

Let us speak

Let us be heard

You have depicted and establish our life too long now

I’m not American but I’m not a stranger to this type of discrimination

I’m not American but my grandmother and aunts and uncles live there

I’m not American by genetics but I am by heart

I’m not American but I do feel the pain and scrutiny

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