hey bethlehem! lauren here!
welcome back to 2021! we hope this year will bring so many amazing memories for all students at bethlehem college ♡ this year is full of many changes and to those who are new to bethlehem welcome to wildflower!! this is our student-run platform for everyone at bethlehem to escape from the trials and tribulations of school and join together to talk about, well everything!
the team has been working hard and buzzing with ideas to make this school year an awesome one for wildflower <3 here's the first few articles of the year, we hope you enjoy! :))
click on the category names for a shortcut :)
Creative Writing ♡ what to write about when you've lost inspo
Health ♡ 100 reasons to stay alive
Lifestyle ♡ thinking of joining wildflower? here's how :), how to deal with parental conflict, introducing your 2021 src!, magical libraries & bookstores around the world
Advice Column ♡ advice for year 11's
Current Affairs ♡ period poverty
Inspiring Women ♡ whitney houston
C.A.R.E ♡ c.a.r.e leader 2021
if you would like to contribute to edition #13 of wildflower please share your articles to bcawildflower@gmail.com by the 18th of february
if you would like to join the wildflower team please email bcawildflower@gmail.com to express your interest.
we wish you all to have a safe and happy holidays
– the wildflower team ♡