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  • Writer's pictureWildflower Team

edition #17

heyy lovelies!

Its Alexia here again :))

Long time no see from the last edition. I know that everyone is facing the hardships of being locked in a casket at home, but the Wildflower team and some talented individuals have put together a new edition for you all!

This edition is a bit shorter in comparison to last edition's due to lockdown becoming a bit hectic! We are loving this lifestyle that we all need to endure another 4 weeks :(

However, being the last month of winter, this edition's theme is a navy blue/winteresque aesthetic (not even a word but hey it is now one!).

If you have anymore ideas or an article that you wish you put into the next edition feel free to send it to the bcawildflower email! ( )

new editions each first Friday of the month!

Click on the category buttons for a shortcut lovelies! <3

ALBUM OF THE MONTH: august, The seed cover :) by Emma K

Jane Fonda

The Bench, Book Club article (BCALavendarClub)

Year 12 final Major Works

4 Prayers for current times :)

2 recipes from the Cofini Kitchen

Your guide to aesthetic types

Improving Your Wellbeing (top tips and dealing with remote learning)

new upcoming competition!

Things I remember from high school

⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆


if you would like to contribute to edition #16 of wildflower please share your articles to by the end of August :))

edition #18 will be published on the 3rd of September!

if you would like to join the wildflower team please email to express your interest. if you have any feedback or want any advice please use the little applications we have at the bottom of our website :))

check out our instagram, spotify, pinterest and youtube :))

See you in the next edition!! :))

– the wildflower team ♡

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