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  • Writer's pictureWildflower Team

edition #8

Updated: May 24, 2021

hi bethlehem!

in this edition, we really want to showcase the beautiful class of 2020 and express how much we are going to miss them! other than the many other entertaining articles we have for you, we also have many gorgeous year 12s sharing their passions, interests and talents with us. we also want to say congratulations to the class of 2020. it's been a difficult year but you have held your heads up high and got through it :)

this is the last edition of term 3! we hope to have enough articles for you all to read during the holidays! we will see you all in term 4 with many new initiatives and exciting projects!

click on the category names for a shortcut :)

Fashion ♡ latisha's ootw

Creative Writing faq – writing wildflower articles

Advice Column ♡ advice #1, advice column video

The Bucketlist Babes ♡ 21 things to do before graduating in '21

Entertainment ♡ music cover by sarah succar

Health ♡ wellbeing check-in week

Photography ♡ emily marina's photography portfolio

Art year 12 final hsc artworks

Beauty ♡ how to get the perfect wing, cass sos's baddie makeup look

wacky beauty standards in history

Been there, done that ♡ Chloe Middleton, Sofia Danas, Evie Corradin, Louise Dos Santos

if you would like to contribute to edition #9 of wildflower please share your articles to by the 15th of october.

if you would like to join the wildflower team please email to express your interest.

– the wildflower team ♡

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