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my little ray of hope

Meghan Salan

written by meghan salan

Day 448, the sky is Empty and depressing. My eyes are craving colour, in this dark dull camp. The only thing I can do is imagine what it would be like to see colour again. If I ever get out of here the first thing I would do is dance in the tall over grown grass and pick the red roses from the thorn bushes. I mean I can’t complain, at least I am still here… mentally here; I would hate it if I turned into one of those things.

“All line up” Sean yells, I quickly leave my pod and march up to the line. My place in the line is right behind number 439 and in front of number 437. We do this every morning, line up and then Sean walks around looking for any life in our powerless pale faces. Every time he looks at me it feels like his dull deflated eyes know my secret, but he always ends up walking away. After this we all walk over to lab 3, this is where they inject some sort material into our arm. Its supposed to take over your awareness, but weirdly it doesn't do much to me the needle only hurts; it does effect a different thing. I have completely lost my memory of my life before here, I don't know who my parents are or if I had any.. The first time they injected me I ended up passing out, I woke up the next day with a pounding headache.

After lab 3 we go back to our pods and just stand there, sometimes Sean walks around tapping every pod, but he only does that when he is bored. Usually, you hear sean shaving his hair in his room, or playing cards with Athena (Athena is the 2nd leader), most of the time Sean ends up cheating and Athena ends up yelling at him in mandarine; but that’s the only thing that happens around here. Sometimes at night, I get so bored that I just walk around the halls, sometimes hoping that someone would just see me and take me away for good. I don't have any hope for the future, every single day I look for somebody or something that could help me.

I don’t know why we are all here, what are they going to do with 999 morons? We don't do much here, a few times a day we will walk around the courtyard in straight lines. I don’t even know where I came from, where or who my family are and where I belong. I hate it here, I just want to live a normal life, well I don't really know what a normal life is but I know it has to be better than this.

It’s not all that bad I now know my way around, I also have taken note on when and where the guards are at all times. Two in the main hall and one at every exit. I know where to get the best food and water, and I know the 2 leaders like the back of my hand. Athena, she has long hair that she keeps in a slick back ponytail. She wears a skintight bodysuit and carries around a long katana. Sean, he has buzzed hair and pale skin. His soulless eyes that can pierce your heart. The only thing I don't know is if I am the only one here, well mentally here. I do have my eye on a few people, numbers 213, 331, 461 and 448.

A blaring alarm goes off breaking my train of thought, I stare up at the roof and see a small flashing light. A rush of panic took over my body and my legs took off; wind-whipped though my bouncy hair as I look for the nearest booth, I scurry to room 2. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing, what could it be?! Has someone tried to escape? Has someone set off the alarm? Thoughts rush through my head.

Suddenly Sean emerges out of his room, what the hell is going on here?! He screams in a loud voice. Athena’s voice laced the halls, I am not too sure, “maybe a rodent got in and tripped the wire”, Anthena said in a calm and soothing voice. Nonsense Sean screeches while slamming what sounds like his fist onto the door beside him. I want every pod searched and every corner inspected.

My heart sinks into my stomach, what if this is it?! What if they look at my pod and see I am not there?! I need to get back and I need to get back now. I hear marching down the halls. I take a quick glance around the corner to see about 5 guards searching room 1, great this is my time to shine. I fly around the corner and make a dash for room 4, suddenly I hear the giant heavy metal door creak open.

I look over my shoulder to see the five guards coming out of room one, I start to panic. I frantically look for a hiding place, my eye catches some old bookshelves. Perfect! I take a step towards the bookshelves when I was abruptly ripped off my feet, I see a hand wrapped tightly around my wrist. With adrenaline still pumping through my veins I get up and start looking around. My eyes are drawn to a beautiful girl, my jaw dropped to the floor. She has stunning plump lips, she has golden stars in her deep eyes that could light up a room and don’t get me started on her marvellous dark skin. I feel like I just want to melt into the floor, “you could have gotten yourself killed!” says the beautiful girl.

I am so stunned I can barely talk “o...oh, I was just wondering around when suddenly the alarms went off” I replied as I am still in awe of her beauty.

I look down at her blue striped jumpsuit and see the number 331. So I was right on one thing!

“You should probably head back to your pod before the guards see your missing,” she says as she looks at my number.

I scramble to my feet and rush out of the dusty corner, I make a mad dash for my room. As soon as I get into room 4 and in my pod; I see 10 guards run past, it seems like something is going on in room 1. I am still in shock and my hands are still shaking, finally, something worth living for... A little ray of hope. I close my eyes and melt away into wonderland.

I wake up to Sean screaming his head off once again “All line up”.

I groaned as the heavy door opens I slip out of my pod, “why so early” I moan.

I look around me and see everybody heading to the courtyard, including number 331. We take a quick glance at each other and then look the other way, the same thing happens again Sean inspects everyone and we all head to lab 3. I keep my eye out for number 331, hm she's nowhere to be found; maybe she’s already gotten her injection... As I start to drift away into my thoughts I hear a quiet voice saying

“Hey!” I look around to see number 331 crouched down in a corner behind some old flies. I quickly surry over to her, “Hey, what's up?” I reply

“Shhh! Keep it down, you’re going to get us killed” she said in a stern tone.

“Come here,” she says as she grabs my small pale wrist” She leads me to a small room with a round table. I stare in confusion as I never knew this existed. In this room, I see a tall boy with deep brown eyes and short black hair. “Hey I am Oliver”, I shake his hand.

“Hello I am chase, I reply”

“it’s nice to finally meet you, I have heard a lot about you!” said Oliver

Number 331 interrupted our little conversation and said “sorry to break up your little mother’s meeting but we need to tell chase our game plan”.

A buzz went through my system, will I finally get out of this horrid place?!

I look up at number 331, “hey I am Bianca by the way” she says as she leads me to the round table with my files and a big map of the place. I take my file and read through it, the file has my name, birth date and where I come from. It also has a description of me. “Blue eyes, brown hair and pale light skin.” my attention goes to the big map of the camp, I scan the images and writing that is on this map. I see the main hall and all 4 rooms, I see the courtyard and Sean's room.

Bianca's finger points towards the big circle in the left-hand corner of room 2. “There is an air vent that heads towards the roof if we leave when everyone is sleeping we should make it out onto the roof. But that’s only if we are extremely quiet.” Bianca looks up at me to make sure I am listening to her every word. She draws her finger towards Sean's room, “you see we have to go across Sean's room to get into the main hallway and that’s a huge problem as Mr clumsy over here makes a lot of noise” she states as she looks at Oliver. Oliver gives off a small awkward grin.

“Ok, you better get back into the injection line before they notice your missing, and we better head back to our rooms before they see we aren't there,” says Bianca

“Alright, sounds good,” announces Oliver

I see Bianca go to room 3 and Oliver go to room 2 while I head off to the long line. It feels so good to know that you're not alone, that there is still a little ray of hope in a dark situation. Yet I have a bad feeling about Oliver, he has an evil look in his eye. As my father or mother or somebody once told me; “you can tell everything about a man through his eyes”.

After I get my injection I head off to my pod, I look over to the clock and see that it is exactly 12:48. Suddenly I remember Bianca, my face lights up with excitement. I hop out of my pod and slip through the sleeping guards and quickly make my way to room 3, I look at the hundreds of pods until I stumble across pod 331. There is Bianca sleeping so adorably, ugh why is she so amazing, intelligent and gorgeous.

I quietly tap onto the window and see Bianca’s eyes open. The pod opens and a huge gush of chilling air collapses onto the floor; I grab her hand. “Come with me”, I say with a grin. (I want to take her to my quiet space). We quickly scurry around the corners avoiding anyone at all costs. I lead her to a large room hidden behind an old filing cabinet.

She looks at me with hesitation, “what are we doing here?!” she asks. It’s my quiet room, this is where I hide and write. I don't think anybody knows about it at least I hope so.

She lets off a cute small grin, the thought of me not trusting Oliver rushes through my head. “Oh, there is also one more thing I need to tell you,” I say,

Before I could let any more words out I see Sean storming around the halls, I jump on top of Bianca and drag her down to the ground. “Why is Sean up?!” she says in a concerned voice, “I have no idea!” I say whilst trying to get a glimpse into the hallway, Sean’s door is opened wide and I see a silhouette in the room.

I try and make out who it is because it is definitely not one of the Guards or Athena. Then it hits me, my jaw drops as I realize who this person is. I look up at Bianca in pure shock, Bianca grabs my arm and starts crying. Sean’s harsh voice interrupts Bianca “WHO, WHO IS WITH YOU” A fearful voice replies back, “numbers 331 and 448”. Sean’s hand slams onto the table as he runs off.

I grab Bianca arm tightly, “Bianca,” I say in a despite voice “we need to go”! “But what about Sean?!” she says. “Fine we will go gra…” I was loudly cut off by a sudden bang. We glance into the hallway to see Oliver’s lifeless hand plummet to the ground. My heart sinks, and i start to tremble. Bianca collapses onto the ground and lets out a huge gasp. “We have no time for this” I say to myself

Where did you say that vent was?” I say as I look into her eyes. “Room 2, let’s go” I grab her shirt and we run. Sweat drips down my face as we dart around corners, finally, we get to room 2 and I prop her up into the vent. As she gets into the vent her hand reaches for mine, she helps pull me up and we are off.

We navigate around covers until we find the exit, a huge rush of relief hugs me. We both crawl out of the tight narrow exit, ok the coast is clear. We make a sprint for the ladder that leads down towards the ground. My feet take off and I lose control, every passing moment my heartbeat gets faster and faster. I take a quick glance behind me to see Sean and all 20 guards running towards Bianca and I. I hear Sean in the distance screaming, “you get the boy and I will get the girl.”

I run even faster, Bianca I yell. But I hear no response, I turn around once again to see Sean grab Bianca's hair and Bianca yelling out to me. I come to a sudden halt, “LET HER GO” I say as I slowly back away from Sean. Seans lets off a smirk, “and why would I do that? Nobody wants you, you were all left out on the street to die! I was the one who saved you! If it weren't for me you all would be dead'' Sean declares whilst Bianca is still trying to break free from his grasp.

Sean drags Bianca over to the edge of the building and looks at Bianca dead in the eye and says “If you really want to leave, let me help you”. I stand there in shock as Bianca’s body plummet towards the ground, I fall to my knees and scream. Sean starts walking over to me, but I have given up. I don't want to do this anymore, Sean grabs my shoulder tightly and rips my jumpsuit to pieces. “We will keep this one,” Sean says.

Sometimes the good guys don't always win.

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