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Who's really the animals?

Hannah Elbeaini

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

♡ Hello all ♡

I write to inform you of the prevailing issue of animal cruelty, which still remains buried within our society domestically and internationally. Our role as stewards of creation is to care for our environment and planet, doing this, we must help those who are in need of justice and specifically for those who do not have a voice. This article addresses the need for awareness of animal cruelty, specifically of cosmetic animal testing.

Throughout my years of highschool it has come to my attention that many girls do not know the background of cosmetics and that in fact, certain products use live animals as test subjects. This is animal cruelty. The treatment of these animals are inhumane and the facilities which they are tested on forces them to undergo pain, suffering, distress and long term harm.

Animal testing by definition, refers to the procedures performed on living animals, animal experimentation or research, it is the experimentation carried out on animals.

Animal experimentation is when they are used in laboratories and are deliberately harmed, for the good of human benefits such as manufacturing makeup products you purchase. The animals are usually killed at the end of the experiment, however this does not justify the pain they suffer. It is the principle in which they endure cruel, merciless miseries while they are alive.

Some experiments include:

  • injecting or force feeding animals with potentially harmful substances

  • exposing animals to radiation

  • surgically removing animals’ organs or tissues to deliberately cause damage

  • forcing animals to inhale toxic gases

  • subjecting animals to frightening situations to create anxiety and depression.

  • Prolonged periods of physical restraint

  • Food and water deprivation


Responding to public pressure, the Australian Government has promised a ban on animal tested cosmetics in Australia from 2019. But the legislation they proposed contains loopholes and Humane Society International is recommending amendments. We hope the Australian parliament will support our amendments to the Government’s Industrial Chemicals Bill 2017 to make the ban on animal testing for cosmetics water tight. You can make a difference by pledging to only buy cruelty free beauty products. When you're out shopping for cosmetics, first check to see which companies comply with Choose Cruelty Free's non-animal testing criteria - use this link for a copy of their latest 'Cruelty-Free List' to take shopping.

PETA and our international affiliates are helping to change the cosmetics industry where it needs the most improvement: in China, where tests on animals are MANDATED BY LAW for imported products. This is most distressing! Please support this life-saving work.

When shopping for cosmetics, continue to use PETA US’ Beauty Without Bunnies list to ensure you’re buying ethically. You can also help animals via our website by taking part in the government’s consultation on implementing these new rules here.

As well as a signing up to a cruelty free shopping guide → please support!

Here are some ‘cruelty free’ brands → make yourself aware!another list

Brands that still test on animals 2020! → please read VERY HELPFUL!

Check out your products at home and when you shop for these certified ‘cruelty free’ icons:

It deeply saddens me that humanity still decides to destroy life, most importantly life that does not have a voice and cannot stand up for themselves. Hopefully by reading this article you are more aware and will help support products which are ‘cruelty free’ and become more conscious of your shopping decisions. Don’t be shy to tell your friends or family, the more people on board, the greater power we have to stop this cruelty. It will be tough to say goodbye to those products which you love dearly, but just know that you will support a better cause and help save more bunnies and other helpless animals ♡

♡ stay tuned for more awareness posts on animal poaching and live exports ♡

→ Hannah Elbeaini year 11

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