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  • Writer's picture Timila Manandhar

5 tips for your homework and studying- planning

Tip 1:

  • Create two zones in your room: The comfort zone and the business zone

Tip 2:

  • Use music to relax and focus before starting your homework

Tip 3:

  • Take notes in class to help you understand what you are studying at home

Tip 4:

  • Create a ‘now goal diary’ and set a to do list everyday and a list of reminders each week in it

Tip 5:

  • Set smart goals on your to do list:

S: Specific

M: Measurable and meaningful

A: Achievable

R: Realistic

T: Timeframe

Smart goal: I want to get 75% in Algebra in the next Maths test which is in four weeks.

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