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  • Writer's pictureLauren Knezevic

toxic friends

toxic friendships are a part of life, and it really sucks. as difficult as it is, it becomes part of the experiences that will help you grow into the person you are. here are some things that you’ll learn after leaving a toxic friendship.

goodbyes are hard

saying goodbye to those good times will be really hard, and it will always hurt. as toxic as a person can be to you, it’s hard to let go of the memories made, the smiles, laughs, and tears you shared together.


leaving a toxic friendship can allow you to better understand those feelings in the pit of your stomach when you feel something isn’t right. it can allow you to listen and trust yourself more.


you control your life and happiness, you create your own fulfilment and can’t depend on others to keep you happy. Sometimes this difficult lesson is only learnt after leaving a toxic friend.

letting go

ending a toxic friendship will sting, it will hurt, but eventually, it won’t. letting things go can be practised and learnt. you will be better prepared for new friendships with the lessons learnt from the old ones.


you will gain a better perspective on your own life. it will allow you to start looking at experiences with more perspective. you’ll learn that you deserve so much more than what you were getting.

better friend

sometimes we often don’t realise how much we can hurt someone, having these experiences where you felt really hurt can allow you to reflect on how you can be a better friend to those around you.

missing them

unfortunately, there will be times where you could miss that toxic friend. these times could be triggering you to remember all the good times you shared together. it is okay.

real friendship

friendship is about trusting, supporting and being there for each other. leaving a toxic friendship can allow a different perspective. a perspective of gratitude to those good friends you have who are really there for you.

“remove yourself from those toxic friendships, and watch as you laugh a little louder,

smile a little bigger and live a little bit better.”

– lauren

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