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  • Writer's pictureLauren Knezevic

which b99 character are you?

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

This quiz will probably not be 100% accurate to your personality, but it could tell you what Brooklyn 99 character reflects you the most! Count up all of the letter's that you and find out which Brooklyn 99 character you got :)

comment which character you got!

At lunchtime, what do you spend your time doing?

a) goofing around with my friends

b) rehearsing for CGSSSA dance

c) at a debating meeting, SRC meeting, any meeting...

d) eating

e) following my friend around (etc. canteen, bathroom)

What do you talk about with your friends?

a) all of the latest tiktoks

b) the twitter fight you got into

c) all of the assignments and exams due soon

d) anything, as long as it’s not about myself

e) all of the new recipes I have tried

It’s Friday, the final bell rings! What do you do?

a) go home and play video games!

b) go out to ashfield mall with my friends!

c) finish all my homework now, so I don’t have to do it on the weekend!

d) go home and don’t talk to anyone till monday

e) go home and cook to my heart's desire!

What’s your favourite subject?

a) lunch!

b) dance

c) science, maths, engineering you name it!

d) business studies

e) food tech

You turn on the tv, what are you watching?

a) diehard!

b) my daily dosage of Dance Moms!

c) all of the Aussie police shows!

d) anything Nancy Meyers for me!

e) today’s episode of Masterchef!

What time do you get to school?

a) usually after the bell goes, I’m always late (sorry teachers)

b) i’m never late… everyone is just here early

c) i’m never, ever late! I have perfect attendance!

d) not really ever late, but never really early.

e) usually early, but late if there are distractions

Where’s your go-to after school place to get food/drinks?

a) KFC at ashfield mall!

b) chatime :)

c) usually home, I don’t wanna get in trouble!

d) any Mcdonalds I can find

e) my different rounds of cafés and restaurants

You head with your friends to event cinemas, what movie are you watching?

a) children’s movies... they are surprisingly entertaining!

b) i’m hitting up the horror, it’s funny to watch my friends get scared!

c) documentaries, they are so interesting!

4) any rom-com we can find :)

5) i’ll watch whatever my friends wanna watch

What’s your favourite famous musical?

a) mamma mia!

b) cats!

c) hamilton!

d) i'm not into musicals... random singing is not for me

e) beauty and the beast!

pick a famous woman:

a) taylor swift

b) beyonce

c) hermonie granger

d) joan jett

e) nancy drew

If someone wanted to get to know you, what would you talk about?

a) i’ll talk about my traumatic and embarrassing stories to break the ice.

b) they should already know who I am… rude

c) i’ll talk about my work ethics and my organization skills

d) i don’t like talking about myself, this conversation needs to change

e) i’ll talk about my family

If you picked mostly a’s you are: jake peralta

You can be an incredibly immature person, yet have a charming personality to go with it. Sometimes you can have trouble expressing your emotions, preferring to crack jokes, but you always share your feelings eventually.

If you picked mostly b’s you are: gina linetti

You are seen as super sarcastic and can love to play on your phone… a lot, but you always have your friends' backs (especially close ones). You love to dance and probably believe in astrology just like gina.

If you picked mostly c’s you are: amy santiago

You are a super ambitious and driven person. You are often viewed by others as a perfectionist, competitive and stubborn person. You are super organised, always the one who does their assignments early (everyone envies that).

If you picked mostly d’s you are: rosa diaz

You are an intelligent yet tough and mysterious person. You tend to get angry and seem to have a lack of empathy sometimes, but all and all, you are loyal and caring to those you care about.

If you picked mostly e’s you are: charles boyle

You are a symbol of optimism and a total foodie! You always try your best to lift those around you but can sometimes forget to tend yourself. You tend to be dramatic and quite eccentric but you are well-loved by all.

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Lauren Knezevic
Lauren Knezevic
Sep 03, 2020

i got jake peralta! ♡ supper happy :)

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