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Erika Magtanong

☆why brooklyn nine nine is awesome AF☆

Updated: May 22, 2021

Lets face it. We’ve all seen brooklyn nine nine pop up in our netflix recommendations list. I mean, can you blame netflix? It's pretty damn amazing! From the super chaotic halloween heists and the really touching peraltiago episodes, to the perfectly executed portrayal of issues in society, here are the reasons why i think brooklyn nine nine is awesome.

*just a heads up, there are a few spoilers ahead ;)

1. Comedy. Gold.

Brooklyn nine nine is a show about commanding officer captain raymond holt and his team of detectives solving crimes in NYPDs 99th precinct. These detectives include jake peralta, rosa diaz, amy santiago charles boyle, sergeant terry jeffords and gina linetti (who is the office administrator and the human form of the 100 emoji).

Though they always solve crimes and do their work (or as jake says “catch bad guys and look good doing it”,) they also deliver memorable episodes where they have fun. Whether it's holt's random outbursts of anger, the crazy halloween heists or the iconic “i want it that way” cold open where jake COMPLETELY gets lost in song, this show will ALWAYS leave you in laughter.

2. The cast

The cast of brooklyn nine nine are super hilarious and portray these characters perfectly, making them stand out perfectly. Andy samberg (who is absolutely adorable) perfectly engages the audience with his character, jake peralta a skillful, goofy yet charming detective, while Andre braugher hilariously portrays the monotone and highly intelligent captain raymond holt, which makes it funny when jake and holt are working on a case together.

3. Important in our society today

While this show is super quirky and hilarious, they also have really touching and serious episodes addressing issues in our society today, including racism, homophobia and sexual harassment. In the pilot, it is revealed that captain holt is gay and it was hard for the NYPD to accept him yet. There's also the season 4 episode “Moo Moo”, where Terry gets stopped by a cop for being black. Another serious episode is “he said, she said”, highlisting the sexual harassment issues women face today. These episodes are really touching as they respectfully present our what life is like in our society today.

4. Peraltiago.

One of the most cutest and most realistic portrayals of a relationship is represented by jake and amy, who are the “toitest of nups”. Starting off with a friendly relationship, they soon shift into a romantic relationship. Besides them getting each other gifts that are really tasers, they illustrate a realistic relationship (not like those teen dramas where teens dramatically saying i love and are always having sex with their partner, or rom-coms!). There are also really bittersweet episodes, such as “casecation” and “trying”, as they discuss the topic of kids and the struggle of conceiving.


Do I really have to explain myself for this one? These heists are EVERYTHING! On halloween night, the precinct stop whatever work they are doing and take part in the halloween heists. These chaotic and iconic episodes are when you see the quirky and crazy sides of all characters, especially captain holt !

So to conclude (because honestly, people are probably gonna give up on reading more reasons why i love this show), recommend this series because it’s hilarious, smart and bittersweet.

– erika :)

Now to PROPERLY conclude (cos let's face it, i think this conclusion is wayyyyy better), here are a series of captain holt gifs :)

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