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  • Selena Zeidan


Learn more about me!

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Name: Selena

Year group: 11

Title: wildflower writer

Fun facts about me:

<> i love reading, writing and listening (wattpad account: @sellyzay)

<> i’m a gemini

<> i have a younger sister

<> i love everything about true crime and know a bit too much about it too :/

<> burgers are my favourite type of food, ever!

<> i aspire to be a social worker with a bachelor in criminology and hope to work with criminals one day

<> love me a good shade of sage green

<> i watch way to much netflix and might have an obsession <> i hate horror and get scared really easily <> music is my escape (follow my on spotify: @selenaz)

<> pinterest is my favourite type of social media (pinterest: @selz_5 and @sellyzay)

<> i live in leggings

<> i spend a lot of time watching ‘buzzfeed unsolved’ ‘hannah elise’ and ‘garrett watts’ on youtube :/

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