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health tips for down there that u should know!

Lacey-Michele O'Mara

hey everyone,

it's lacey here, and today i'm letting you in on some health tips you should know for down there!! remember it's completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of!


1. keep em dry & apply!

keep the undergarments dry. Not wiping the down there after urinating can cause the panties to get wet, which can not only lead to bad odour but put you at risk of infections. Hence, it is always advised to wipe the area using toilet paper or a soft cloth so your underwear is always dry. Most fluids or discharge is a part of a healthy vaginal environment, where as the use of products such as talcum powder or excessive wiping can lead to itchiness and dryness. make sure to just stick to moisturizing the outer layer and the inners of your thighs!


2. when time is had, ditch the pad

(Change sanitary pads after 4-6 hours.)

According to a Delhi-based gynaecologist Dr. Nupur Gupta, women who have normal blood flow should change a sanitary napkin every four-six hours. The same applies to the days when you have light blood flow. However, if you have heavy flow during menstruation then changing sanitary pads every 3-4 hours is a must. If you are using a tampon, then change it every six hours without fail. Also, clean the area every time you visit a washroom during menstruation. If sanitary napkins or tampons are not changed for a long time, it can lead to skin rashes and bad odour. In certain cases, it can also put you at risk of infections.


3. say no to soap!

Avoid using soap while washing down there. Steer clear of using harsh soaps or scented soaps to clean the vagina. The use of soaps laden with harmful chemicals such as glycerol, perfumes and antiseptics can affect the healthy balance of the bacteria in the vagina. Moreover, it can also change the pH in the vaginal region, which can cause irritation and lead to the growth of unhealthy bacteria. Instead use plain soap and water, preferably lukewarm water to wash the area around the vagina.


4. avoid the imposters!

Say no to scented 'feminine' hygiene products (they're kinda sus). It is not a good idea to use feminine hygiene products such as scented wipes, vaginal deodorants or scrubs to keep the vagina healthy. In fact, these products can worsen the condition and make you prone to infections. Moreover, using vaginal scrubs can lead to peeling of the skin, which can further up your risk of infections.


5. say yes to the dress!

Do not shave pubic hair. Some women prefer shaving pubic hair as they think the pubic hair looks gross and unclean. But if research has to be believed, pubic hair acts as a safety net which protects the vulva (outer part of the female genitalia that surrounds the opening of the vagina) from bacterial infections. Plus who wants ingrowns? when you can keep it natural?

hope this helps! remember to take care of your body! (you've only got one!)

– lacey

1. Karageorgi S, Gates MA, Hankinson SE, De Vivo I. Perineal use of talcum powder and endometrial cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.
2. Nicole W. A question for women’s health: chemicals in feminine hygiene products and personal lubricants. Environ Health Perspect.
3. Schild-Suhren M, Soliman AA, Malik E. Pubic Hair Shaving Is Correlated to Vulvar Dysplasia and Inflammation: A Case-Control Study. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol.

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