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Mrs Cofini

Improve your Wellbeing (remote learning)


When working/studying from home, it can be hard to keep yourself focused on one thing at a time.

1. Stay motivated

It can be easy to get distracted when working/studying from home but there’s lots of things you can do to stay motivated. Stick to your study plan and try and keep to the same schedule that you would normally. Make sure you still “attend” all your lessons/periods as per your timetable. If you would usually spend some time in the Library after this, you can still use this time to study and work especially as many of the resources within the Library are accessible online.

2. Communicate

Communication is vital. Make sure you are having regular conversations with your teachers. Ask them for help with anything you are unsure of and ensure you understand any changes in your classwork, assessments and submission details.

3. If you can, create a dedicated study space

Having a separate space for studying and relaxing is very helpful, if possible. Now that teaching is remote and you have to learn at home, it’s important to create that separation wherever you can and make sure your study space works for you. If you can’t create your own space, using shared tables and spaces are the only option – we know you’re adaptable. Try and be organised and keep your materials together; pack and unpack them into a basket or bag. Have easy access to everything you need before you start. Experiment with lighting and adjust your study space to the ideal temperature. Layers of clothing are good as it gets chilly when only using brain power.

4. Reward yourself and stay connected

No one can work 24/7! Take regular breaks and remember to reward yourself for completing tasks. It’s also important to stay connected with your friends and family in a way that benefits the health and wellbeing of everyone.

Here’s a list of things you CAN do whilst maintaining social distancing:

  • Listening to music

  • Watching TV and films

  • Having a video/phone call with friends and family

  • Playing a game (board or digital!)

  • Learning a new hobby or craft

  • Trying to make the most of your once a day outdoor exercise (but remember to maintain the social distancing guidelines)

5. Make sure you know what support is available

Whilst it’s important to look after your physical health and maintain social distancing, your mental health is just as important. Remaining indoors and away from people can be difficult but we’re here for you. You can contact Headspace, Kids Helpline even if just for a chat.

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