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Mrs Cofini

Improving your Wellbeing (managing stress)


We will all experience stress at some point in our lives, and the accompanying adrenaline rush can help us through difficult situations.

Over a sustained period, mild stress can result in unsettling feelings of anxiety or fear. Symptoms can include "butterflies" in the stomach, trembling, palpitations or difficulty sleeping (insomnia). While these feelings might be merely unpleasant, you need to take action because more severe anxiety can be debilitating.

1. View it as something positive

Anxiety is a sign that you’re moving out of your comfort zone into a new place of growth and excitement. So adopt the viewpoint that feelings of anxiety indicate that you are moving and growing. It’s not something to be feared, it’s something that’s helping you move closer towards your goals.

2. Focus on managing these feelings

Anxiety and depression can quite often leave people incapacitated with the thoughts of what they ‘should be doing’ and quite often doing nothing. It can make you think irrationally, as is the nature of anxiety. Focusing on basic anxiety techniques can often help reduce these feelings.

3. Get up and get moving

One of the best things you can do is to get your body moving. Take a quick walk around the estate or go to the park, as long as you maintain social distancing! Moderate exercise will release chemicals which make you feel good.

4. Take responsibility for yourself

If you feel anxious, it’s a sign from yourself that something is not right. It might be something real, or something feared. Whichever it is, take the steps to work on it or manage it as soon as possible. If you need a break, take one. If you need to call a friend, do it. If you need quiet time, plan it.

5. Try breathing exercises to relax

When we are anxious we tend to over breathe. This can cause dizziness, which in turn increases our anxiety. Try:

  • Breathing in deeply for four counts

  • Hold your breath for one second

  • Breathe out deeply for five, lowering your shoulders as you do

  • Repeat until you feel calmer

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