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  • Writer's picturemiss sage

how do i procrastinate less?

hi there!

This topic is extremely universal so I’ll be covering 2 major areas: school (assignments, exams) and life at home.

Procrastination is our biggest thing which we all have done at least once in our lives. It's an endless trail of just staying in one position and doing the same thing over, and over, and over again. I find it's difficult to even get out of procrastination. However, it's do-able!

First I find you need to identify procrastination.


Have you just sat and done nothing for the past 30 minutes?

Are you thinking about something completely off topic?

Is there something you are supposed to be doing which you aren’t doing right now?


By identifying your procrastination it allows you to pinpoint what are the things you're not completing. After that you can identify and implement different techniques to minimise procrastination.


I understand you. You go to school for 6 hours and get involved in heavy content and then you proceed to come home to homework and assignments due at a certain time.

Then procrastination kicks in. You don’t want to do anything.

Girlie it’s totally normal to take breaks here and there and it's most likely a sign from your body saying ‘take some time out for yourself’. Make sure to not spend time completely focusing on study, you need to set break times for yourself to revitalise. Living off of study won’t do glory to your mental health and personal wellbeing.

Try to do some form of exercise. Studies have shown that even 20 minutes of any exercise (yoga, dance, workout, cardio) has increased the mental state of an individual from being exhausted and drowsy to rejuvenated and energized.

If you're not keen on exercise, go outside and hug a tree. Lie on the ground with a picnic blanket and blast some of your favourite tunes (set a timer!). Just take a breather.

If you want to get some study done, make a timetable for yourself and create a spreadsheet containing a reward system. Say you complete 1 hour of hardcore and efficient study, reward yourself with a 30 minute break of your choice! (you can alter this in any way possible)

This helps because you can get both things done and minimise procrastination! Study and a break - 2 in 1!!


So you’ve come home from school and you sit down. That's okay. Procrastination is good sometimes but not all the time. If you're procrastinating I recommend using your procrastination time wisely - maybe check out the news? Listen to an interesting podcast relating to an assignment? Be creative.

Procrastination begins with a messy mind.

Declutter your room; make it tidy. Your bedroom is a self reflection of your mind. If it's messy, that’s an indicator for your current lifestyle. Even donate some clothes/items that do not serve you anymore! This will allow you to think as to what you actually want to keep and don’t need anymore.

I’ve also said this in another post however make a to-do list of the things you need to get done!schedule the things that are most important and that you need to get done first - make a to-do list.

  1. Most important and you need to get done - this can be homework due next day

  2. Important - e.g. assignments and or catch up on study

  3. Other - any form of self care, after school activities/initiatives

Use a to do list and check off as you go. Make sure that you colour code and specifically put the things you need to get done in order of this.

This mini list of your tasks that you need to do will allow you to go through and get the most important and urgent tasks done first, prior to commencing other ones.

I hope this helped in some way!

Feel free to send in another question, I will be more than happy to help :))

~ miss sage ~

"to be steady in the soul, and free the spirit"

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