Not much haha I’m just wondering how to stay motivated during lockdown it’s so hard! I feel like I’m slowly easing into holiday mode even though we still have a week left (I should also mention I’m in year 12 so this last week is still important for me) idk I just feel burnt out
I have a lot of school work and the holidays are so boring! I can't help but not have the motivation to do work and just be bored! What shall I do? By the way, thank you so very much for your help! Take care!
Hi there,
Staying motivated is one of those things that is incredibly hard to maintain, so it’s perfectly okay to feel this way!! Sometimes we tend to put way too much pressure on ourselves and it doesn’t always make us more efficient. As teenagers, we need to take everything one day at a time and remember that there is always a solution to every problem. Overtime, it becomes easier to lose track of our goals and what we’re working so hard for. This stresses the importance of short goals and only handling what we can, when we can. When we become unmotivated we lose sight of things and tend to worry about things that are out of our control.
The first step
to staying on track is to take some time for yourself. Downtime is super important in staying motivated and being productive. Something as simple as waking up and taking a shower, creating a skincare routine or making yourself a nice meal can get you in a positive state of mind and allow you to finish tasks that you need to do.
Step two
is ensuring you have created goals that you are happy with. Short term and long term goals are both so important in our everyday lives. If we don’t keep our schedule organised, it is hard to maintain a productive lifestyle. Something I personally like to do is to keep a diary/ planner/ journal. Each one of these options is slightly different, however it allows you to choose whichever you are more comfortable using or confiding in. Using these options, you can create your goals as well as to do lists as a method of organisation. Goals can provide direction in our lives, pick one that is measurable and has an endpoint. Start with something small like finishing all your homework for the week or going on a walk at least 3 times a week. Make sure your goals are things that interest you, if they aren’t, try setting up a reward system for yourself so you can stay on track.
Final step
is to relax when you can. Finding time in the holidays and on weekends to relax is so vital. If we don’t take time to reset our minds and take a step back then we will never be able to work at our fullest potential. This can be done either by ourselves, with a partner, with friends, or with family, it’s different for everyone. Take time to watch a movie with family, or play an online game with friends, or even plan a virtual date with a partner (trust me, it seems strange at first, but you’ll love it and have a blast)!!
In your question, you mentioned that you were in year 12. First of all, congratulations for making it this far gorgeous! We’re all so proud of you. Year 12 seems ultra intimidating and it may seem like the world is against you at times, but take a step back, take some deep breaths, and make the most of it. Don’t pressure yourself and make sure to put your mental health first… ALWAYS!!!
" I believe in you and I hope this can help you even the tiniest bit. "
~ miss sage ~
"to be steady in the soul, and free the spirit"