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Writer's picturemiss sage

i would like advice on how to meet new people and become friends with people.. I have social anxiety

hi there!

Hi there girlie!

Yes I have trouble with meeting new people too.

It can be extremely difficult in general to click with someone, especially at school. Meeting new people through school is hard. You have a form of about 80 individual girls and as time goes by you just know them and don’t even really click with most of them.

I completely understand and I have a bit of social anxiety myself however, the way I began meeting new people was getting involved in every club possible at this school. Instead of just trying to force myself to sit with a group (as it can be really nerve racking and difficult), I began going to clubs.

The clubs here at BCA are extremely universal and meeting new people doesn’t always have to involve making a ‘life-long’ best friend in the same year as you. In fact, I have found I enjoy hanging around older people more because I found them more mature and I connect better with them.

Clubs also aren’t always something where you have to respond to a conversation. If you would like to just sit back and listen I recommend C.A.C club (Thursday Recess in R3). Even though there are lots of people, I find it better because I can sit and listen to everyone’s perspectives instead of feeling anxious to say something. If you are interested in a particular hobby like Knitting, Reading or Anime then feel free to visit Knitting Club (Wednesday Lunch in the LRC), The Lavender Book Club (Friday Lunch in the LRC) and Anime Club (Friday Lunch in A9).

Even ask a teacher or check out compass to see what clubs are running on at specific times. By going to clubs you are more likely to meet like minded people and friendships will most likely develop from the conversations you have in the club!

Now the becoming friends part.

There’s no method to how you ‘should’ approach a person.

I feel that if you are supposed to meet a person, then it happened for a reason. People always come in and out of our lives constantly and that’s okay! People need change and you need change too! (Otherwise nothing is really going to happen!). Initiating a conversation is the same as talking to your mother or father, just be yourself

The best way to approach someone is just to act as your normal self and don’t overdo it (don’t be fake or try to match a person’s personality/energy as it will just come off as overdoing it).

Also, don’t be afraid. I know it's easier said than done but just know that if things are meant to happen then they will happen. AND!! Don’t ever feel pressured to fit it with a group! I have changed groups so many times and it’s completely normal. People change and have different morals/values and perceptions and sometimes we don’t always agree with them.

Friends always come and go and it can be hard to maintain a friendship but with the right people it will come naturally.

I hope this helped you in some way.

If you need any more advice or even want a friend to talk to I’m always here!

~ miss sage ~

"to be steady in the soul, and free the spirit"

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